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The Fuel

Kindness Walks

This past January was a hard month for a lot of people and February also ensues demands of its own. From the fires of Southern California to the Hurricanes that just passed in December, there was a lot of suffering. Now, in the present moment and in my immediate circle, I saw suffering of my friends and coworkers. From job layoffs, death in the family, ill health, divorces and other broken pieces in the lives of those who did not deserve it. This 2025 has not been friendly nor easy. I could only pray for it to be kinder.


On that note, I tried hard to be kind today, and it was easy and paid off. I gave a rose to a friend from a debris of a bouquet that was about to the thrown away. She smiled and felt special. I gave candy and hugs to my coworkers and some customers who I just felt needed the hug and asked for them. I didn't have to twist my arm to be kind, as it came naturally and it wasn't something that I planned. I wanted to do it and tried more than usual. 


There should be more people out there who want to help cheer someone's day out of the kind gesture of their heart. To just brighten someone's life even for a moment. I helped bagged groceries for the elderly and helped Mom's without a helping hand with their babies. It became second nature and it was pleasing to me. It felt nurturing to my own heart and I was surprised that I wanted to keep going. I thought it was going to be for a couple of people, but I extended a helping hand to my customers and served them completely. I wanted to do it all day long, for my whole shift of 8 hours long. I supposed my customer service skills were practiced and I was more eager to help, but it felt normal and just like every day for me. 


I think kindness became my normal as I practiced it more and more. A lot of people complimented me as memorable and loving, and I appreciated each person who complimented me. It was true that kindness grew in depth inside the soul that grew roots and showed its fruits in random ways. It became a chocolate wafer from a stranger when I was sad. It also became a hug each morning because we were kindred spirits, and because just a hello showed compassion to a lonesome heart. It showed up as a smile from a Jane who was single and elderly who divorced at 25 and never remarried. Kindness became a mini-Spanish tutorial in the lunch room because she just wanted to tell me I was a beautiful person. These people became more valuable to me, and their gestures became gold. I was the recipient of their love and their kindness because kindness recycled from one person to another became love in action.


January was tough and ripped out whole lives, and here comes February with its own demand. But we as people shouldn't stop being kind, generous and honorable because it runs through life like a holy ghost that touches each spirit differently, and leaving each life with a blossoming rose. I know I am just one person, but one person can do much and my gestures walks, as my kindness shapes hearts. It kept on going...



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